Cosmetic Acupuncture

When we age, our circulation diminishes and hormones decrease causing sagging and drooping and drier more wrinkled skin. Cosmetic Acupuncture increases circulation, tightens muscles, reduces inflammation on the skin, and produces collagen production at the site of the needle insertion. Hormone and digestion balance and full body circulation are essential to treating how our skin looks. Cosmetic Acupuncture treatments are FULL BODY treatments. There are needles placed on the body to treat the body from the inside and out.

Here are just a few of the benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture:

  • Reduces and prevents wrinkling

  • Can decrease the look of a double chin

  • Minimizes crow’s feet

  • Firms skin and improves skin and muscle tone

  • Will make facelifts, botox and fillers last longer

  • Improves skin pigmentation

  • Clears acne

What’s a session like? 
During your session, the acupuncturist will insert needles into the face and neck, along with a few into your arms and legs. Other modalities such as LED lights, guasha/facial cupping and various beauty products will also be applied to the face. You will rest for about 30 minutes while the needles take effect.

How many sessions will I need?
For noticeable and lasting results, most clients will want to receive ten sessions. Booking them in close succession improves your results.

Are there any side effects?
Rarely, some clients may experience redness or slight bruising. Therefore, it’s best to book your session away from any important public events, like speaking engagements or dinner parties.

Why do cosmetic acupuncture sessions cost more?
The type of needles used for a session of cosmetic acupuncture do cost more then the regular needles.

To make an appointment, book under Cosmetic Acupuncture

Session Fees:

Inital Consultation: $140

Follow ups: $105

5 pack of Cosmetic Acupuncture:$475

10 pack of Cosmetic Acupuncture:$900