Initial Acupuncture Appointment

Initial Acupuncture Appointment


One of the major foundations of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, has been practiced for over 3000 years. Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles along specific meridian lines that restore a vibrant state of wholeness and wellbeing. Medical Literature shows acupuncture’s effect on nearly every biophysical system in the body. Most acupuncturist have seen patients suffering from a wide variety of problems respond to acupuncture when nothing else has worked.

Acupuncture Appointments typically run 90 minutes for the first session and 60 minutes for follow ups. Sessions can also include moxa, cupping and a prescription of Chinese Herbs. Our sessions consider all aspects of life, not just physical symptoms to develop a customized plan. The initial acupuncture appointment is for new patients (needed before booking a follow-up appointment), so we can get to know what your needs and goals are.

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